by Matthew Stansbery | May 7, 2014 | Conservation, Corals, Invertebrates, Travel
In an ongoing effort to understand the effects of ocean warming scientists have made yet another breakthrough in determining which reefs are more susceptible to increases in temperature. Tracking patterns of decline and measuring recovery rates of reefs throughout 291... by AquaNerd | May 6, 2014 | Corals, Equipment, Tanks, Technology
Have you ever heard of someone singing the praises of a product for such a small, seemingly insignificant detail? Well, we’re doing just that for the Fluval SEA additives, which have impressed us with their bottlecaps alone. Dosing with aquarium supplements has always been a bit of a guessing game. The instructions are always a little iffy, and measurements have always been eyeballed. To avoid all of the confusion, however, Fluval did something special with their line of supplements, and it’s one of those fine details that will likely go unnoticed by many. To help dose their products, Fluval included a graduated plastic cap into the overall design of their SEA additive line. In a broader view of our daily lives, this isn’t anything special by Matthew Stansbery | May 5, 2014 | Conservation, Corals, Reef
Researchers from The University of Western Australia, CSIRO and the University of San Diego teamed up recently to discover how the corals from Australian reefs are coping with changing water conditions.… by Francis Yupangco | May 3, 2014 | Conservation, Corals, Fish
At over 320 million acres, Le Parc Naturel de la Mer de Corail, or “the Natural Park of the Coral Sea,” in New Caledonia, a small island chain in the South Pacific, will be the largest protected area in the... by AquaNerd | May 1, 2014 | Corals, Eye Candy, Photography
Saying something is the best or the greatest is always a lofty claim, but this scolymia, with its kaleidoscope of colors, can easily lay claim to the title of “Best Scoly on Earth”…at least until it is dethroned by some other insane piece. A top shelf piece from Sexy Corals that was recently featured on Reef2Reef, this bad boy doesn’t fit nicely into the common scoly nicknames of bleeding apple, warpaint, or master, as it seems to represent some features of all varieties all rolled into one. We lost count of the distinguishable colors at 8, but at this point it doesn’t even matter. This piece wasn’t presented with any information, such as price or size, as it was apparently reserved for a special Sexy Corals customer. That said, we are certain that the price tag jumped into the four figures since it is just such an amazing and unique piece. by AquaNerd | Apr 30, 2014 | Corals, Eye Candy, Industry, Photography
You may not be a fan of Japanese anime or even remotely understand the reference, but if you’re a reef keeping hobbyist, none of that will matter when you set your eyes on this amazing Acroporid. Named after the popular Pokemon character, Pikachu, this vibrant coral sports a yellow coloration that is unmatched by any other colored stick in the hobby. Throw in its rich red polyps and the slightly neon green tint at some growth tips and corallites, and you’ve got yourself a top shelf piece that is very likely to become a future centerpiece. The coral comes to us from The Coral Kings, who posted the news of their TCK Pikachu Acro over on Reef2Reef. Only two frags will be released for the time being, with R2R members getting a special price of $200 shipped per frag. After an undisclosed amount of time, the frags will be loaded up to the TCK website for $250 each.