Taking Inventory of the Frag Tank

Growing out SPS to cultivate frags can be both a rewarding as well as a frustrating experience. Most of my farmed Acros have thrived while a few have sputtered. Quit frankly, it is a mystery to me as to why a few have been dormant. But that is part of the game, I guess. I recently took inventory of my 75 gallon frag tank, which is lit by two 400W 20K Radium bulbs. The corals in this tank are a mixture of mature colonies, some not so mature and others that are tiney frags. ATL Strawberry Fields The ATL Strawberry Fields is a classic SPS coral from Atlantis Aquariums that has been a favorite among SPS enthusiasts for a long time. This Acropora florida sports a vivid green

Top 7 Misidentified Corals in the Reef Aquarium Hobby

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SPS Deep Dive – Crayola Plana

I am a big fan of tabling Acropora and one classic I dig is the Crayola Plana. This Acropora plana has a cream colored base, purple tips and green polyps. It is a beautiful mix of contrasting colors, worthy of its Crayola Crayon nickname.   The Crayola plana sports thin, dense branches and can exhibit a lot of polyp extension when happy. The coral requires moderate to strong lighting and will do fine when given the proper PAR under T5s, metal halides or LEDs. My colony receives 250 PAR and is thriving under a 400W 20K Radium bulb.   Frags should be placed in the top half of a tank and be given medium to strong flow. Growth will be optimized when the proper calcium (400-440 ppm), alkalinity (8-9

Coral City Fluorotour

We are proud to present Coral City Flourotour, our first short film in 3 years, and our first in-ocean filming project using techniques developed in the CM lab / studio