Monday Archives: New species of sea worm named after Yoda, there is.
Due to the resemblance of Yoda's ears to the deep sea worms lips, researchers have named this new species Yoda purpurata.Top 5 Corals we LOVE to propagate at the coral farm
My top 5 favorite corals to propagate at the Tidal Gardens coral farm. #tidalgardens #coral #reeftank Photo/Video: Canon C200 Canon 5Ds R - Canon 100mm Macro - Canon 100mm IS Macro L - Canon EF MP-E 65mm f/2.8 macro - Camera Stabilization: Freefly Movi Phone Stabilizer - Freefly Movi Pro Stabilizer - Edelkrone SliderONE - Edelkrone HeadONE - Audio: Shure SM7B - Sennheiser 416 - Sennheiser AVX Lavalier - Focusrite Scarlet 18i8 - Cloudlifter CL-1 - Copyright Information: This video was shot and edited by Tidal Gardens. Tidal Gardens owns all intellectual property rights to this content. 0:00 Introduction 00:26 Coral #1 2:59 Coral #2 5:15 Coral #3 7:21 Coral #4 9:47 Coral #5 12:48 Conclusion & CreditsTidal Gardens HALLOWEEN NIGHT Live Show
Join us for our Halloween Live Show on October 31 at 2:00 pm EST!RNN Episode 129 – Anemones Pt.3 The Conclusion
Super Yacht, Newly discovered Coral and Anemone's Pt. 3 The Conclusion. Jeremy is back in the co-host chair, enjoying his tank and new fishy addition that was hinted about in his tank tour video. Peter is making a bit of progress on his sand bed and is going to be up to bat with a tank tour video of his own. All this and more on Episode 129 of The Reef News Network! Listener Coupon Codes: Marine Depot 10% off your order REEFNEWS Reef Kinetics - $50 off ReefBot RKLOVES Show Watch 2020 MACNA Phoenix Canceled RAP California Canceled RAP Orlando - Canceled RAP New York - Dec 12/13 Greater Niagara - Canceled Powered By: Fritz Aquatics: ReefBreeders: Sicce: Reef2Reef: News: Jeremy- New corals discovered in deep-sea study of Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. For the first time, scientists have viewed the deepest regions of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, discovered five undescribed species consisting of black corals and sponges, and recorded Australia's first observation of an extremely rare fish. Peter- Owners of a 197-foot superyacht will pay a hefty fine after damaging coral colonies in Hawaii's Kailua Bay in 2018, the state's Department of Land and Natural Resources announced this week. Owners of $41 million superyacht agree to pay $100,000 after dropping anchor and damaging coral reef in Hawaii. Main Topic: The Anemone Episode Pt. 3 Last time we covered Anemone husbandry, acclimation, when to add them to a system and some tips and tricks. This week we will go over the dreaded pest anemones and how to deal with them, aquaculture and propagation, and add in our top 5 reasons RFA's and RBTA's are so popular. Outro: Please like our Facebook and Instagram pages as well as subscribe to the Podcast Reef News Network: Reef News Road Trip: . Instagram: ReefNewsNetwork Hashtags to follow #ReefNewsNetwork , # , #nation Listener Calls: Go to: click the tab on the right side of the page to leave us a voicemail. Reviews/Ratings: Reviews and Ratings help us reach new heights and continue to produce quality content, let us know how we are doing.