by Dan Rigle | Feb 20, 2023 | Corals, Science
This Montipora setosa has developed yellow green pigments believed to have been grafted from a neighboring coral. The branches of an Acropora valida were allowed to come into contact with this Montipora setosa creating a portion of differently colored... by Tidal Gardens | Feb 17, 2023 | Corals, Podcast
…... by Dan Rigle | Feb 6, 2023 | Corals, Eye Candy
If a coral could speak and be heard by only the eyes, the Jack O’ Lantern Leptoseris would achieve this without issue. The vibrant orange and green pigments with pumpkin like striping, scream... by Tidal Gardens | Jan 24, 2023 | Corals
…... by Robert Loren | Jan 23, 2023 | Corals
Although corals are considered one of the earliest, most primitive animal groups on the planet, the stony corals that grace our reef aquariums with color and vibrance actually arose later than some of us have been led to believe.… by Afishionado | Jan 10, 2023 | Corals, Video
Recently my wife has suffered some health issues and I had to severely neglect my tank for a little over 2 1/2 months and put my Deskmate project on hold. Now that things are slowly getting back to somewhat normal, I went to visit my friend Chris Portale of The Fish...