Luiz Rocha is the Curator and Follett Chair of Ichthyology at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, CA.
Press Release
The MACNA 2014 committee is proud to announce an exceptional selection for our Keynote Speaker to conclude the Saturday evening banquet. Dr. Luiz Rocha is a professional Ichthyologist, currently the curator of Ichthyology at the California Academy of Sciences. His research deals with the genetics and evolution of lots of different reef fish, many of which are well represented in the marine aquarium hobby.
His close work with the Steinhart Aquarium gives Dr. Rocha a unique perspective on both the science and the hobby of keeping marine aquarium fish and his travels have afforded him the opportunity to visit some of the remotest and most exotic reef locales, with plenty of discoveries to boot.
We expect Dr. Rocha to present one of the most entertaining and information dense Keynote presentations that MACNA has ever seen, and for that the banquet is not to be missed.
Full details about Dr. Rocha can be found on the MACNA 2014 website.