EcoTech Marine launches Coral Lab project

by | Jan 22, 2016 | Advanced Aquarist | 0 comments

EcoTech Marine has grown from a small start-up to a market leader in advanced aquarium technology.  From their humble beginnings manufacturing a kalkreactor (even experienced hobbyist may not remember this), they have expanded their product line to encompass a range of revolutionary devices that offer advanced and flexible controls, all of which can be integrated into a total system concept connected through their software, EcoSmartLive.

However, to the uninitiated, all this power may be confusing, even daunting.  While the hobbyist community has generated a lot of experience and knowledge, searching for trusted information on the many bulletin boards can prove challenging.  Thus, EcoTech Marine has set out to create a new project with the main purpose of providing direction on how to best utilize EcoTech Marine’s products.

The Goal

The goal of EcoTech’s new Coral Lab is to become a clear, simple, practical, and unified resource for reefkeeping enthusiasts (particularly EcoTech owners) based on real world results and experience. To achieve this end, EcoTech Coral lab is in the process of setting up several testing locations to conduct research on maximizing coral, growth, coloration, health and propagation.

Corallabpub1.jpgThe new venture will become a subdivision of EcoTech Marine, which will oversee not only research but also EcoTech’s many charitable and educational activities, including EcoTech’s involvement with the Coral Restoration Foundation, The Smithsonian and The Horniman Museum, and several children’s hospitals, public aquariums, schools, and colleges.

First Case Study

We share EcoTech Coral Lab first publication (link below).  They have partnered with Canadian distributor Reef Wholesale to learn how EcoTech products – primarily EcoTech Marine Radions – may be best applied for improved SPS and LPS pigmentation and growth.  Included within the publication are several tested Radion schedules you can download.

Expect more publications from EcoTech Coral Lab as they expand their partnerships and operations.


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