The cover of the March issue displays two photographs by Jake Adams from an article from him about his observed spawning in captivity of the beautiful Flame wrasse (Cirrhilabrus jordani). This article, along with other beautiful photographs, along with a photo of the man made habitat that the spawning took place in, will appear in Advanced Aquarist’s April issue.

This is a photo by Jake Adams of the tank that the spawning took place in. More about this next month.
Also next month is part 3 of Dana Riddle’s series on coral coloration . Part 3 is of particular interest as Dana explores the relationship of trace elements to coral coloration. Below is one of the photos from this article.

Figure 26. The bubble tip, or rose anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor). Photo courtesy of Steve Ruddy and welcomes you home! is pleased to announce the upgrade of our bulletin board software on March 21, 2009. The new bulletin board will feature a host of major improvements, including:
- A new, powerful, fast, well-organized, and full function search engine, available to all members 24/7.
- An advanced private messaging system, allowing members to send messages with attachments and send messages to multiple members (including blind carbon copies).
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- Clubs and societies: announce your events on’s homepage. Vendors and LFS: announce your sales and promotions on’s homepage. Manufacturers: announce your new products on’s homepage.
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