by Afishionado | Aug 19, 2023 | Equipment
This is the 2nd video highlighting kalkwasser dosing from Chris Meckley of ACI Aquaculture. After the last video, we received very valid complaints about the fact that we didn’t really cover how exactly Chris dosed kalkwasser in his systems.… by Josh Saul | Aug 19, 2023 | Equipment
Aquarium owners are always trying to save money. Spending less on aquarium maintenance means we can spend more on new livestock. There are lots of excellent pieces of equipment where spending a lot of money makes sense (lights, skimmers, controllers, etc),... by danireef | Aug 12, 2023 | Equipment
Finally we got ahold of an adjustable return pump with great characteristics for a marine aquariums: the ASF Aquarium Systems NewJet DC 2000. You’ll see its impressive performance in in our... by danireef | Jul 27, 2023 | Equipment
We are here for the second article in the Salifert test series, introducing the two remaining test kits in the triad: The Salifert KH and Mg (Carbonate Hardness / Alkalinity and Magnesium)... by danireef | Jul 25, 2023 | Equipment
Today, we are talking about the BioReact 90 bioreactor built by Octo, a Singaporean manufacturer better known as Reef Octopus. Octo, Reef Octopus, is a company that is very well known for their fantastic pumps, as well as for their excellent... by AquaNerd | Jul 25, 2023 | Equipment
Aquarium aficionados, brace yourselves for a revolutionary leap in the world of marine ecosystems as Red Sea presents its groundbreaking line of aquariums – the Red Sea Reefer Max Series. Combining elegance, functionality, and innovation, the Reefer Max aquariums are...