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Keystone Clash

Morgantown PA Holiday Inn Convention Center 6170 Morgantown Rd, Morgantown

Hundreds of aquarium hobbyists show their prized fish at the Holiday Inn of Morgantown, PA on Sept 24-26, 2021. This is the best place to see, show, buy, and appreciate fish and aquariums. Entry is free! ​​The Keystone Clash, now in its fourth year, has been a collaborative effort between the Chiclid Club of York […]

Silicon Valley Coral Farmers Market

the domain hotel 1085 E. El Camino Real, Sunnyvale

The Coral Farmers MarketSM company, along with coorganizer Reef Raft USA, are hosting our 13th tri-annual Silicon Valley Coral Farmers Market event on September 24th 2022. Our Northern California Bay Area coral show will be open to the general public between 11 am - 5 pm on Saturday September 24th. There will also be early […]

Skellyfest 2022

Miami Airport Convention Center 711 NW 72nd Ave, Miami

The inaugural SKELLYFEST Aquatic Expo will be taking place at the Miami Airport Convention Center (MACC) in Miami, Florida on Saturday, September 24, 2022. SKELLYFEST was created to bring aquatic businesses and hobbyists together in a fun and interactive way. With aquarium products, coral vendors for a frag swap, ocean art, workshops, and presentations we […]
