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Michigan Coral Expo and Swap

Best Western Hotel 6820 S. Cedar St, Lansing, MI, United States

The Michigan Coral Expo and Swap (MCES) is the largest reef hobby event in Michigan! In addition to vendors from across the country, MCES will feature an outstanding livestock and dry goods raffle. It will also include a mini-conference that will occur prior to and during the expo.

TCMAS/Augsburg College Speaker Event

Augsburg College Science Hall 2211 Riverside Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

FREE TO ATTEND!! Open to the public!!! Speakers will be Matt Pedersen, Bill Capman and Marc Levenson Reception in the biology lab hosted by Capman to follow from last speaker end to whenever everyone leaves : )


Reef Stock

Radisson Hotel Denver Southeast 3155 Vaughn Way, Aurora, CO, United States

A reef conference, featuring a large vendor hall, raffles, and guest speakers


Fragniappe 2016

Northshore Harbor Center 100 Harbor Center Blvd, Slidell, LA, United States

Fragniappe is unique to the Gulf Coast region consisting of a large scale frag swap combined with a resourceful, educational, and hands on learning experience.


New England Frag Farmer’s Market

E.O. Smith High School 1235 Storrs Rd, Storrs, CT, United States

Inspired by the idea of the the reef club frag swap, the New England Frag Farmer's represents a regional event with "farmers" from all over New England gathered to sell […]


Corals for Charity

Holiday Inn Express & Suites 150 Aquarium Drive, Jenks, OK, United States

- vendor booths available - salt water fish and coral frags - many raffle prizes to win - %100 of the proceeds go to charity

Upper Peninsula of Michigan Marine Aquarium Society Frag Swap

The Landmark Inn 230 North Front St, Marquette, MI, United States

Buy and trade LIVE CORAL from vendors and other saltwater aquarium hobbyists! $1000's in raffle prizes! Door prizes, vendor giveaways, fragging demonstration, and MUCH more!


Global Pet Expo

Orange County Convention Center 9400 Universal Blvd, Orlando, FL, United States

Global Pet Expo, the pet industry’s largest annual trade show, is presented by the American Pet Products Association (APPA) and Pet Industry Distributors Association (PIDA). The 2015 Show featured 1,051 exhibiting companies, 3,113 booths and more than 3,000 new product launches. Additionally, 6,061 pet product buyers from 82 countries attended. Global Pet Expo is open […]


Superpet VA

Dulles Expo Center 4320 Chantilly Shopping Center, Chantilly, VA, United States

WELCOME TO THE PET LOVERS DREAM WEEKEND! FUN—Exciting Edutainment for Pet Lovers SHOP—Shop 150+ Local & National Exhibitors ADOPT – Meet Adoptable Pets LEARN—Learn About Different Pets and Pet Related Products PLAY—Leashed […]


Reef Currents 2016

Sheraton North Houston 15700 John F. Kennedy Blvd, Houston, TX, United States

The Marine Aquarium and Reef Society of Houston (MARSH) is excited to announce Houston’s Third annual Reef Keeping trade show and educational conference. In cooperation with The Coral Farmers Market(sm) […]

Aquatic Explosion – Coral Mania

Florida State Fair Authority 4800 US Highway 301 North, Tampa, FL, United States

Anemone Enterprise and A2Z Corals presents one of the largest events of the aquatic industry to hit Tampa Bay, CORALMANIA Aquatic Life Expo. CoralMania brings together manufactures to display the […]


INDMAS 2016 Frag Swap

Northside Knights of Colombus 2100 E. 71st St, Indianapolis, IN, United States

Planning is well underway and this should be another great event. We always have a lot of great vendors, raffle prizes, and plenty of fun. Admission is free for all […]


Janesville Frag Swap

Pontiac Convention Center 2809 Pontiac Drive, Janesville, WI, United States

Our swap has grown over the years from primarily local attendees and vendors to attendees and vendors traveling from other states. All the proceeds are donated to one of several […]


Marine Aquarium Expo

OC Fair and Event Center 88 Fair Dr, Costa Mesa, CA, United States

Featuring a vast marketplace of nearly 100 exhibiting booths, six speakers, various workshops, and two huge raffles in nearly 36,000 sq. feet of space, MAX is an all-inclusive marine event […]


Texas Coral Fest IV

The Atrium Hotel and Suite 4600 W Airport Fwy, Irving, TX, United States

A one day coral swap and reef aquarium related show in Irving, Texas. National and local vendors showcasing reef aquarium products.


OSRAS 4th Annual Reef Aquarium Conference

Crowne Plaza Hotel 801 Greenwich Ave, Warwick, RI, United States

The Crowne Plaza Hotel in Warwick RI is hosting a saltwater hobbyists dream on April 3, 2016. Ocean State Reef Aquarium Society presents OSRAS lV! Join your fellow reef hobbyists as they view the several vendors selling colorful corals and dry goods. Listen, & watch as our speakers Scott Fellman and Marc Levenson bring to […]



Crowne Plaza Hotel 801 Greenwich Ave, Warwick, RI, United States

Join your fellow reef hobbyists as they view the several vendors selling colorful corals and dry goods. Listen, & watch as our speakers Scott Fellman and Marc Levenson bring to […]


Great Plains Aquatic Convention

Unnamed Venue Omaha, NE, United States

The Great Plains Aquatic Association is hosting the 2016 Great Plains Aquatic Convention in Omaha, Nebraska on April 9, 2016. The event will showcase guest speakers such as Ted Judy, […]

2016 MTRC Expo & Frag Swap

The Fairgrounds Nashville 500 Wedgewood Ave., Nashville, TN, United States

So far the list of vendors and donators is as follows. Vendors: - Aquatic Critter- Rocket City Corals- Murfreesboro Aquatics- Sustainable Aquatics- Dirk's Dry Goods- Reef Deep- Unlimited Color Coral- […]


Reef-A-Palooza Orlando 2016

Caribe Royale All-Star Suite Hotel and Convention Center 8101 World Center Drive, Orlando, FL, United States

Reef-A-Palooza can best be described as an indoor marketplace where sellers, exhibitors, and hobbyists of all types can buy, sell, trade, showcase their products to the marine hobbyist community.
