Monday Archives: Some More Red Sea Damsels

To follow an earlier post, I wanted to share a few more images of pomacentrids from the Red Sea.  I’ve got two more species that I know, and one more that I’m not quite sure about, so I would welcome any input from folks more knowledgeable than...

New (possibly) Fish Alert!

From Takaki Nishioka: Hello, I’m posting this for the first time. Could you tell me about this fish? A friend from Okinawa was around HQ a while ago? ・Water depth – 160M・Fished from a place thought to be a rocky...

Monday Archives: Jim’s Wrasse Heaven

  Who would have thought that in my travels I would see two of the elusive Cirrhilabrus earli in two different parts of the country?  Let alone five days apart!  By now, everyone is aware that I traveled to Salt Lake City in Utah to see Syphus Wrasse Heaven...