Monday Archives: Jim’s Wrasse Heaven

  Who would have thought that in my travels I would see two of the elusive Cirrhilabrus earli in two different parts of the country?  Let alone five days apart!  By now, everyone is aware that I traveled to Salt Lake City in Utah to see Syphus Wrasse Heaven...

Monday Archives: Beautiful Misbarred Maroon Clown named this fish the Blue Spotted Maroon Clownfish due to its unique single blue dot on the clown's left side. But in my opinion, it's the heart-shaped misbar on the right side that makes this maroon clown totally awesome. Happy Mother's Day :-)

Turkey Fish!

Also known as zebra lionfish, the venomous beauties Dendrochirus zebra have spines that, at certain angles, resemble the tails of turkeys, hence earning their nickname. “Zebra Turkeyfish” are native to the tropical waters of the Indo-West Pacific, and have...

Monday Archives: Steinhart’s Pygmy Seahorse Program

Our friends Richard Ross and Matt Wandell were recently featured in Wired talking about their expedition to the Philippines and efforts to collect and rear pygmy seahorses.  The incredible photos speak for themselves, Matt and Rich are having a lot of success raising...