by Tony Vargas | Apr 24, 2023 | Fish
Those that know me, know that I am an absolute Geek when it comes to wrasses.  I can spend hours taking photos of just one wrasse before moving on to another. While visiting Sanjay Joshi, he mentioned to me that he picked up a new wrasse that I would be very... by Marc Levenson | Apr 18, 2023 | Fish
Read More … by Ricardo Pinto | Apr 17, 2023 | Fish
Recently, Sanjay Joshi has been posting amazing articles sharing his experience with some very difficult to keep species, like the Bandit Angelfish or the Tuka Anthias, and I´ve learned a lot from... by Ashleigh Gardner | Apr 3, 2023 | Fish, Science
Books… You remember books, right? Those things with paper that you may currently be using as door stops, those are books. Many recent technological conveniences have made the ability to carry an entire library with you at all times much more... by danireef | Mar 23, 2023 | Fish
Centropyge loriculus Here we are with the third episode about species that can thrive in a marine aquarium. Today we’re talking about the dwarf angel fish, or the Centropyge. Introduction I’ve always loved aquariums full of fish, as if you were diving in... by danireef | Feb 18, 2023 | Fish
Synchiropus splendidus – mandarinfish We started to discuss about family of fish with the surgeonfish, today we introduce another beautiful species: the Synchiropus. Introduction I’ve always loved aquariums full of fish, looking into them makes you feel as...