by Admin | Apr 17, 2020 | Fish
Take a look at this Broomtail wrasse (Cheilinus lunulatus) from the Red Sea and compare it with the Dusky parrotfish (Scarus niger), below. Do you see any similarities? Both have a very bright and very visible yellow marking just behind the eye and above the pectoral... by Admin | Apr 14, 2020 | Fish, Photography
Over here in the UK shark fans are looking forward to the arrival in our waters of the second largest fish in the sea, the Basking Shark. Surprisingly little is known about this fish – which can reach ten meters in length – which heads up the eastern... by Admin | Apr 5, 2020 | Fish, Photography
Large pomacanthids are characterful, seemingly intelligent and, in my experience, superbly able to avoid underwater photographers, so it was a great day when I managed to spend a few minutes with these two... by AquaNerd | Apr 5, 2020 | Fish, Reef
Sea and Reef announces their 6th longfin designer clownfish called the Domino Longfin Clownfish. Keep reading below to learn more. Longfin Clownfish are not new to the hobby, but Sea & Reef’s new Longfin Clownfish have a much different look to them than other longfin clownfish. The Domino Longfin has elongated, flowing fins with a rounded translucent margins. This sets them apart from the typical longfin strain that display jagged, stiff fins with uneven margins. This new trait is due to different genetics of the breeding pairs. Name: Longfin Domino Clownfish Scientific Name: Amphiprion ocellaris Maximum Size: 4” (10 cm) The mutation that created the origional longfin clownfish came from a single fish. In December 2013 Sea & Reef’s Hatchery Manager, Brandon Weik, was looking into a tank by Admin | Apr 4, 2020 | Fish, Photography
I’m a great fan of dottybacks, they’re characterful and often very attractive, but they aren’t easy to photograph in the wild. I’ve just written a post about orchid Dottybacks, fishes I really like, but I think... by Admin | Apr 3, 2020 | Fish
I’m not sure how many people have ever seen one of these before, so I thought it would be worthwhile to share once more these images from a few years back. As you can tell by the name, this is a fish found off the coast of Oman, in this case the southern coast,...