by AquaNerd | Feb 10, 2020 | Fish, Reef, Science
Our friends and Sponsor, Sea & Reef recently released a new designer clownfish called the Snow Storm. This is the 4th Storm type clownfish available from Sea & Reef and it is now available for purchase if you are a retail aquarium store. Sea & Reef only sells wholesale so in order to obtain Snow Storms, you will need to visit your local fish or online retailer and ask for them by name. Snow Storm Clownfish is the newest strain based on the Black Storm Clownfish. Sea & Reef created the Snow Storm Clownfish by breeding one of their Black Storm Clownfish with a Phantom Clownfish. The result is a beautiful white fish with Black eyes, fins and lips. The all white and black face makes the by Admin | Feb 3, 2020 | Fish, Photography
Anthias species are, as any one who has watched them will know, not an easy group of fish to photograph. They’re skittish and easily spooked and swim so very fast. Every so often though you com across a nice well-lit reef where the conditions and the fish... by Saltwater Smarts | Feb 2, 2020 | Corals, Fish, Invertebrates, Reef, Science
There’s an oft-repeated adage in this hobby that you can take to the bank: “Only bad things happen quickly in marine aquariums” (or some variation upon that general theme). In other words, while problems in marine aquariums seem to crop up overnight, effectively solving said problems tends to be a frustratingly long, drawn-out affair. Getting overeager to see results and jumping from one “quick fix” to the next is counterproductive at best. One of the more obvious examples of this phenomenon can be seen when impatient hobbyists use medication to treat a sick fish. In this situation, the counterproductive behavior (on the hobbyist’s part) can take one of two forms: either assuming a fish is cured and stopping treatment prematurely because the symptoms seem to have abated, or repeatedly switching from one medication to the next because the symptoms don’t seem to be resolving quickly enough. In the former scenario, it’s virtually assured that the disease symptoms will reappear, potentially after the fish has been introduced or reintroduced to a stocked system, which means the other fish will then have been exposed. Remember, it’s critical to follow medication dosing instructions to the letter and to complete the full course of treatment. by Admin | Feb 1, 2020 | Fish, Photography
Leaf fish are found across the Indo pacific, and as I write this I’m aware of the double meaning here. Perhaps I ought to say: They range across the Indo pacific, but they’re rarely... by Admin | Jan 29, 2020 | Fish, Photography
There are some fish that simply amaze me. If they appeared in that much-loved animated cartoon about the adventures of a clownfish, we’d consider them just too crazy to be inspired by real... by Admin | Jan 28, 2020 | Fish, Photography
I’ve been sharing images of a few creatures and underwater scenery that I came across on my recent trip to the fascinating island of Mauritius. As you’d imagine for an Indian Ocean destination, the marine life is...