Sunrise Dottyback

The Sunrise Dottyback is a gem from the Red Sea. The body color is a deep sky blue with a yellow line that runs along the dorsal and ventral side of the fish all the way to the yellow tail. The eyes of the Sunrise Dottyback have a blend of blue and yellow...

Springeri Dottyback

Springer’s Dottyback is a gorgeous fish. It has a jet black body and electric-blue headlines. In saltwater aquariums, the Springer’s dottyback typically like to hang out by caves or overhangs from where it makes quick excursions around the tank and then...

Black Neon Dottyback

The Black Neon Dottyback is a hybrid between the Neon Dottyback (Pseudochromis aldabraensis) and the Springer’s Dottyback (Pseudochromis springeri) and it carries traits from both.…