Splitbanded Goby

Very cool goby from Eastern Central Pacific: Baja California, Mexico to Ecuador. Most behaviors typical to small hardy gobies applies. They max out at about 2.…

ORA Masked Goby

The Masked Goby (Coryphopterus personatus) is a small, eye-catching goby that is a must have for any nano reef aquarium. Their bodies are translucent with red and white patterns running along the mid portion of their sides.…

ORA Yellowline Goby

The Yellowline Goby is very similar to the Neon Goby, except that it has yellow lines rather than the blue lines of the Neon Goby. Yellowlines are cleaner gobies, which are always beneficial in aquariums.…

ORA Watchman Goby

Yellow Watchman Gobies are fascinating reef fish. The Watchman name comes from their symbiotic relationship with pistol shrimp. The gobies are the lookouts and the shrimp are the burrow diggers/keepers.…