by xeniaforever | Jun 17, 2020
The Starry Goby is a small, hardy, and ornate goby that is not often available in the hobby despite its wide natural distribution. In the wild, the Starry Goby is distributed across the Indo-Pacific Ocean from the Persian Gulf and Red Sea to the Hawaiian Islands,... by xeniaforever | Jun 17, 2020
The Ring Eyed Goby is a gorgeous little goby sporting a vibrant fiery red coloration sure to inject fantastic visual interest to your nano aquarium setup. As its common name implies, the Ring Eyed Goby sports an endearing bespectacled countenance with slightly... by xeniaforever | Jun 17, 2020
The Broadstripe Goby is an attractive and fascinating fish with neon-like colored stripe and intriguing behavior. As its name suggests, the most notable feature of the Broadstripe Goby is its broad, bright stripe that adorns the entire length of the body to further... by xeniaforever | Jun 17, 2020
The Steinitz Goby, also known as Steinitz’ Prawn Goby, comes from the rubble zones of the reefs of the Indian Ocean. Like other watchman gobies, they have an elongated body with large... by xeniaforever | Jun 17, 2020
The Red Head Goby, or Redhead Goby, formerly classified as Gobiosoma puncticulatus has a head that is distinctly bright red with intricate yellow and white markings, and dark spots run along the sides of its...