Sleeper Banded Goby

The Sleeper Banded Goby, also known as the Brownbarred Goby and Bullet Goby, was first discovered in the Indo-Pacific Ocean by Valenciennes in 1837. It has a greenish-yellow head with blue and orange dots and...

Pink Spotted Watchman Goby

The Spotted Watchman Goby is also known as the Pink and Blue Spotted, Singapore Shrimp, Leptocephalus Prawn, or Pinkspotted Shrimp Goby. The head and body are yellow to tan with pink spots surrounded by smaller blue...

Wide-barred Shrimp Goby

The Wide-barred Shrimp Goby originates within the rubble zones of the Indo Pacific, and is usually found in association with a pistol shrimp. This species is elongated in shape, is adorned with brown bars, and the fins are speckled in brown and...

Orange Spotted Goby

The Orange Spotted Goby, also known as the Spotted Prawn Goby or Orange Spotted Shrimp Goby, was first discovered in the Western Pacific in 1938. Its body is white with orange spots outlined in...

Sharknose Goby

The Sharknose Goby is a brightly-colored cleaner goby species sure to make a wonderful addition to your reef or nano-aquarium setup. Though similar in appearance to the Neon Goby (Elacatinus oceanops), the Sharknose Goby features bright yellow coloration (most...