by xeniaforever | Jun 17, 2020
The Pollenei Grouper, also known as the Harlequin Rockcod or Harlequin Hind, is beautifully colored with a green and yellow body with yellow tipped dorsal and anal fins. The body of these fish is lined in... by xeniaforever | Jun 17, 2020
The Miniatus Grouper, also known as the Miniata Grouper, Coral or Blue-Spot Rockcod, Coral Hind, and Coral Grouper, is a common and popular fish along the coral reefs of the Indo-Pacific, and it makes a most spectacular addition to a large home... by xeniaforever | Jun 17, 2020
The Blue Line Grouper, also known as the Boenacki Grouper or Blue-lined Hind, is light red with multiple vertical blue lines. The fins are highlighted with dark blue. A 250 gallon or larger aquarium is required due to its size and feeding... by Josh Saul | Jun 27, 2016
The Marine Betta, sometimes referred to as the Comet, is found in rocky crevasses, at depths up to 45 meters. It is a hardy and disease-resistant fish. A predator by nature, it assumes a “head down” position, with its false “eye spot” near the... by Josh Saul | Jun 27, 2016
Assessors are great fish for a reef tank, but they can be on the expensive side. They usually don’t bother any fish, coral, or invertebrates, and are very peaceful fish. They can be kept in tanks as small as 30 gallons and they need some caves and rock...