by xeniaforever | May 22, 2020
The adult Gray Black Angelfish, which may also be called the Gray Angelfish, has a gray body with dusky blue polka-dots and the same dusky blue highlights on the caudal, dorsal, and anal fins. The face is a clear, pale... by xeniaforever | May 22, 2020
Referred to variously as the Blueface, Yellowface, or Yellowmask Angelfish, the adult and juvenile Blueface Angelfish differ markedly in coloration. As a juvenile, the body is covered with alternating vertical stripes of black, white, and sapphire... by xeniaforever | May 22, 2020
The Blue Angelfish may also be referred to as the Common Angelfish. Similar to the Queen Angelfish, the Blue Angelfish has an overall aqua hue with a yellow shimmer and yellow edges on the fins and... by Felicia McCaulley | Apr 10, 2017
The Emperor Angelfish is one of the most striking aquarium fish. It has contrasting white, blue, and black circular and vertical bands and spots when a juvenile, but completely changes its coloration as it... by Josh Saul | Jun 27, 2016
This is a group of angels that get very large and, for the most part, aren’t reef safe. Although a number of people have been able to keep them in reef tanks, most will pick at corals, clams, and worms in the tank, so if you introduce one into your reef tank,...