by xeniaforever | Jun 20, 2020
The Reticulated Puffer is striking in appearance thanks to a wonderfully decorative reticulated (net-like) pattern. Its dark, mossy-brown body color beautifully shows off the intricate pattern to great... by xeniaforever | Jun 20, 2020
The Narrow-Lined Puffer captures the essence of the specialized nature of puffers. Classic and elegant in design, the Narrow-Lined Puffer has a large, pillowy body that is predominately milky tan with thin concentric banding from head to tail reminiscent of wood... by xeniaforever | Jun 20, 2020
The Immaculatus Puffer captures the essence of the specialized nature of puffers. Classic and elegant in design, the Immaculatus Puffer has a large, pillowy body that is predominately milky white with neutral overtones of varying shades of tan and... by xeniaforever | Jun 20, 2020
The Bennett’s Sharpnose Puffer is a lively fish adorned with a festive flurry of colorful spots and bars. Brilliant orange and turquoise spots and bars create a playful pattern as if confetti and streamers were scattered across a... by xeniaforever | Jun 20, 2020
The Spotted Puffer is also called the White Spotted Sharpnose Puffer, or White Spot Hawaiian Puffer. Members of the Canthigaster genus are called Sharp-nosed Puffers or Tobies. It is a reddish brown with white...