by xeniaforever | Jun 16, 2020
The Little Spinefoot, also called the Black Spinefoot, travels in huge schools among the reefs of the Indo-West Pacific. It has an oblong shape to its body, and the dorsal and anal fins are rigid... by xeniaforever | Jun 16, 2020
The Decorated Rabbitfish, also known as the Masked Spinefoot, usually travels in pairs among the reefs of the Indo-West Pacific. It has an oblong shape to its body and has a beautiful series of yellow markings with a yellow back and... by Josh Saul | Jun 27, 2016
The Foxface Lo, also known as the Foxface Rabbitfish, has a very unique body color. It has a mottled yellow-brown body with a dark chest. The face is very light in color and speckled on the lower... by Josh Saul | Jun 27, 2016
Rabbitfish make good additions to a reef tank, but they need a good sized tank as they grow quite large. Care needs to be taken with them, as their spines are poisonous and when stressed, they will flash and point them at any fish or hand that is placed in the... by Josh Saul | Jun 27, 2016
Also known as the Bluelined Rabbitfish, these fish make good additions to a reef tank, but they need a good sized tank as they grow quite large. Care needs to be taken with them, as their spines are poisonous and when stressed, they will flash and point them at any...