by xeniaforever | Jun 28, 2020
Considered to be one of the best reef wrasses for aquarists, the Pink-Streaked Wrasse is a small, colorful fish that is a welcome addition to any reef aquarium (even the nano-reef). They are also sexually dichromatic, with the males sporting more pronounced yellow...
by xeniaforever | Jun 28, 2020
The Blue Flasher Wrasse is a dazzling species that exemplifies the beauty of the genus Paracheilinus. This gorgeous wrasse invigorates peaceful marine aquariums with amazing color, spectacular finnage and dynamic...
by xeniaforever | Jun 27, 2020
The Potter’s Wrasse is also known as Potter’s Leopard Wrasse, Geoffroy’s Wrasse, or Shortnose Wrasse. It has an orange-peach body with numerous bright blue markings. A 50 gallon or larger aquarium with peaceful tank mates and well established live...
by xeniaforever | Jun 27, 2020
The Darwin’s Fairy Wrasse will thrive in either a fish-only or reef aquarium of 50 gallons or larger. It needs a shaded area away from the bright lights. They will not bother corals or invertebrates, making them an ideal fish for the reef...
by xeniaforever | Jun 27, 2020
The Johnson’s Fairy Wrasse, Cirrhilabrus johnsoni, is a gorgeous wrasse that was until recently a challenge for aquarists to obtain due to its scarce appearance in the aquarium industry. Though populous in its native habitat, the Johnson’s Fairy Wrasse is only found...