by xeniaforever | Jun 22, 2020
The Striped Squirrelfish, also known as the Hawaiian Squirrelfish, is one of the most common squirrelfish seen by scuba divers. It is bright red with thin, white horizontal stripes. A 70 gallon or larger aquarium with large amounts of live rock, hiding places, and... by xeniaforever | Jun 22, 2020
The Sammara Squirrelfish, also known as the Bloodspot Squirrelfish, Soldierfish, or the Spotfin Squirrelfish. The Bloodspot Squirrelfish is the most common squirrelfish of the genus Neophion found in shallow... by xeniaforever | Jun 22, 2020
The Popeye Catalufa Soldierfish, also known as the Bigeye Soldierfish, and is a burnt orange to red color with several white highlights. The dorsal fin has a feathery appearance and the other fins are marked in dark black at the... by xeniaforever | Jun 22, 2020
The color of the Glass Eye Squirrelfish, also called the Dusky-finned Bullseye, changes through its life. Unlike many other fish, this fish actually becomes brighter in color as it ages. As a juvenile, the body and fins are covered in brown to red... by xeniaforever | Jun 22, 2020
The Big Eye Black Bar Soldierfish, also known as the Blackbar Soldierfish, is bright red with thin white outlines on the fins. The eyes are very large and the center pupil is black, giving this fish a unique...