by xeniaforever | Jun 24, 2020
The Fowleri Tang, also known as the Blackspine Surgeonfish, is one of the more beautiful tropical Tangs. A blue head with characteristic arcing lines behind the eye sets this species apart from other... by xeniaforever | Jun 24, 2020
The Mimic Lemon Peel Tang, also known as the Mimic Surgeon, or Chocolate Surgeonfish, has an oval, yellow body while a juvenile. It has blue highlights around the eyes and gill covers, mimicking the Lemonpeel Angelfish (Centropyge... by xeniaforever | Jun 24, 2020
One of the most vibrantly-colored of its genus when young sporting a vibrant yellow body, these fishes are aptly named truncatus in reference to thier short tail fin which lacks the normal pointed tips that are prevelent in all other species of the genus... by xeniaforever | Jun 24, 2020
The Whitecheek Tang, also known as the Gold-rimmed Surgeonfish or Whitecheek Surgeonfish, has a black to purplish-blue body with a small white mark on the cheek between the mouth and eyes. The pectoral, anal, and dorsal fins are dark blue with blue highlights at the... by xeniaforever | Jun 24, 2020
Ctenochaetus strigosus is known by many names including the Striped Bristletooth and Goldring Bristletooth. Both C. strigosus and the Spotted Bristletooth (C. striatus) are sometimes called Kole Yellow Eye Tang, Yellow Eye Tang, or Yelloweye...