Vlamingii Tang

The Vlamingii Tang, also known as the Vlaming’s Unicornfish, or Bignose Unicornfish, has a brown to purple body color when an adult. In the juvenile, The color graduates from lighter, dorsaly, to darker,...

Dussumieri Tang

The Dussumieri Tang, also known as the Eyestriped Surgeonfish, is a true standout in the show aquarium thanks to its friendly demeanor, impressive size, and elite status within the hobby. The Dussumieri Tang has distinctive orange stripes across its eyes, an...

Achilles Tang

The Achilles Tang, also known as the Red-tailed Surgeon, or Achilles Surgeonfish, is very dark brown to purple. It has bright highlights of white and orange around the dorsal, caudal, and anal...

White Cheek Tang

These tangs are reef safe and rather passive – it will have a hard time with more aggressive fish, and it is recommended to only keep one per tank.  This species is easily susceptible to Marine Ich (Cryptocaryon irritants), when stressed by other fish, bad water...

Chevron Tang

The Chevron Tang is aggressive towards other tangs but can coexist peacefully with other types of fish.  It gets quite large, and needs at least a 180-gallon tank with plenty of room to swim. As a juvenile, this tang is bright orange with violet markings on the body...