Powder Blue Tang

The Powder Blue Tang, also known as the Powder Blue Surgeonfish, has an oval body shape with extremely colorful, bold markings. It is prized for its vivid colors and bold markings, with several varying shades of blue accented by yellow and...

Hippo Tang

Also known as the Palette Surgeonfish, Pacific Blue Tang, Hepatus, or Regal Tang, Hippo tangs do well in a reef tank and they usually don’t have any problems with other fish, aside from other Hippo tangs; if you are going to keep more than one in a tank, they...

Sailfin Tang, Desjardini

The Desjardini Sailfin Tang, also known as the Indian Ocean Sailfin Tang, Desjardin’s Sailfin Tang, or Red Sea Sailfin Tang, is dark to very light gray in color with light freckles on the nose and yellow freckles on the...

Tomini Tang

The Bristletooth Tomini Tang, also known as the Tomini Surgeonfish is tan combined with yellow, blue, and white highlights as a juvenile. When mature, the body color solidifies, the tail becomes blue, and the dorsal and anal fins are tipped with a golden-yellow...

Black Tang

Black tangs come from Hawaii and usually command a very high price tag; they are usually bought as the showpiece fish for a tank. They are very hardy, but need enough room to swim and hide easily. Also known as the Longnose Sailfin Tang or the Longnose Surgeonfish,...