Bursa Triggerfish

The Bursa Triggerfish is also known as the Black Patch Triggerfish or Blackbelly Triggerfish. Sufflamen bursa may also be referred to as the Bursa Triggerfish. Rhinecanthus verrucosus has a face that is half white and half yellow; it also has a pencil-thin moustache...

Niger Triggerfish

The Niger Trigger or Redtooth Trigger is a striking fish for the home aquarium. The exact color of the Niger Triggerfish varies in this species of fish, and can also change from day to day between purple, blue and blue/green with a striking, lighter blue highlight on...

Red Tail Triggerfish

The Red Tail Triggerfish, also known as the Sargassum Triggerfish, comes from the Caribbean Ocean and is mostly purple in color. The sides are marked with evenly spaced spots that are darker than the rest of the...

Clown Triggerfish

The Clown Triggerfish has a dramatic coloration, making this species a most sought after addition to the home aquarium. The Clown Triggerfish is found along the inner and outer portions of a reef in the wild, wherever shellfish and other invertebrates are...

Humu Rectangle Triggerfish

Considered to be Hawaii’s state fish, the Humu Rectangle Triggerfish, also known as the Rectangular Triggerfish, Wedge-tailed Trigger, or the V-line Humuhumunukunukuapuaa, has a pearly white face and two blue and black stripes across the...