by xeniaforever | Jun 24, 2020
The Crosshatch Triggerfish, also known as the Blue Cheekline Triggerfish, has a very interesting pattern to its coloration. The body of this Trigger is yellow in color with many dark lines creating a crosshatch... by Josh Saul | Jun 27, 2016
These triggers are reef safe and will get anywhere from 4-8 inches, so a large sized reef is needed to house them. It should also have a lot of rocks for hiding spaces. As with any large fish that requires a great deal of feeding, it will increase your... by Josh Saul | Jun 27, 2016
This trigger can get very large and become very aggressive over time and probably shouldn’t be housed in a reef tank, even though small juveniles seem to be okay. They do grow quickly and you have to think long term here.… by Josh Saul | Jun 27, 2016
These triggers are reef safe and will get anywhere from 4-8 inches, so a large sized reef is needed to house them; it should also have a lot of rocks for hiding spaces. As with any large fish that requires a great deal of feeding, it will increase your... by Josh Saul | Jun 27, 2016
The Titan is probably the most aggressive trigger around. Grows to over 2 feet and is very aggressive, even at small sizes. It needs a very large tank and probably best if it’s the only fish in the tank.…