Blunthead Wrasse

The Blunthead Wrasse is a beautiful, multicolored wrasse easily identified by its distinct head shape. Unlike most wrasses, the Blunthead Wrasse has a conspicuously rounded or blunted head that is accentuated by its sleek, rod-shaped...

Banana Wrasse

The Banana Wrasse is also known as the Yellow-brown Wrasse, Sunset Wrasse, or Yellow Wrasse. As an adult, it takes on a yellow appearance if female, and a blue appearance if male. Both sexes have facial markings in green and fine vertical striping along the...

Green Wrasse

The Green Wrasse is also referred to as the Pastel Green Wrasse or Green Coris. The body color is a most attractive, pastel green without extravagant markings. A 75 gallon or larger aquarium with a tight-fitting lid, a 2-3 inch sandy bottom to hide under if...

Marble Wrasse

The juvenile Marble/Hortulanus Wrasse, also known as the Checkerboard Wrasse, is white with stripes, dots, and patches of black. With maturity, it becomes silver with a distinctive black checkerboard pattern on the...

Lyretail Wrasse

The Lyretail Wrasse is also referred to as the Lunare Wrasse or Moon Wrasse. Juveniles are blue on the lower half of their body, with a black spot in the middle of the dorsal fin and a black blotch on the caudal fin...