Paddlefin Wrasse

The Paddlefin Wrasse is also referred to as the Rainbow or Cortez Rainbow Wrasse. As a juvenile they are mostly black in color with a yellow and pink belly. As they mature into an adult, their coloration brightens into an array of...

Linespot Flasher Wrasse

The Linespot Flasher Wrasse is also known as the Dot Dash or Spot Lined Flasher Wrasse, and is one of the most peaceful members of all the Flasher Wrasse. This gorgeous fish is an active show-stopper and makes a perfect addition to your peaceful community reef...

Splendid Pintail Fairy Wrasse

The Spledid Pintail Fairy Wrasse originates from Japan to the Philippines and enjoys the rubble areas of the outer reefs. This peaceful wrasse is a great addition to any reef aquarium adding beautiful pastel colors of pink, yellow and...

Golden Rhomboidalis Wrasse

The Golden Rhomboidalis Wrasse, also known as the Diamond-tail Fairy Wrasse, originates solely from the Marshall Islands. In nature, they occur close to the substrate within the sand and rubble zones of the...

Black-Backed Wrasse

The Black-backed Wrasse is a moderately-sized wrasse that is striking in its simplicity. The Black-backed Wrasse has an elongated body with dorsal and anal fins that extend almost the entire length of the...