by Justin Credabel | May 29, 2015 | DIY, Equipment, Funny, ReefGen
More robots! Today’s video brings us footage of some more advanced models of the CRM line of robots. Here we can see the robot going through its paces and performing various tasks, from dish washing and snow shoveling to fish netting and pet store clean... by Justin Credabel | May 22, 2015 | Corals, Eye Candy, Funny, Industry, MACNA, ReefGen, Reefs in Art, Science
Today we will review an important coral anatomy lesson. Did you know that corals have a dual use mouth-anus combo? It’s true! Sometimes, when we refer to certain LPS coral or Zoanthids, we talk about mouths or eyes.… by Justin Credabel | May 15, 2015 | Corals, Funny, Science
For today’s Friday rewind I reflect back on my love song for Goniopora. In fact, I will be singing it tonight to friends and strangers at my rock show. What is your favorite coral? I think you can guess mine.… by Justin Credabel | May 1, 2015 | Conservation, Corals, Equipment, Funny, ReefGen, Science, Sustainability, Tanks, Technology, Too Cute
…and because it’s my birthday I’ll indulge myself and you all with a Friday afternoon look back at one of my favorite coral and music videos.... by Francis Yupangco | Apr 30, 2015 | Cephalopods, Funny
For all of you hockey fans out there, check out the Florida Aquarium’s unofficial mascots. The Octopus have now picked sides between the Tampa Bay Lightning and Detroit Red Wings... by Caitlin Nichole | Apr 29, 2015 | Funny, Industry, Too Cute
Because you never know when you want to head straight from the office to explore the shallow reefs, or perhaps you felt underdressed on your last dive? Or maybe just because these are bursting at the glue and blind seams with awesomeness and you know you want...