Get Your MBI Workshop Early-Bird Tickets Soon!

by | Mar 14, 2012 | Events, Fish, Industry | 0 comments

Tickets for the 2012 Marine Breeder’s Workshop have been on sale for 20% of the regular price. Early-Bird prices will expire on March 15th so now is a great time to get your tickets and save some cash.

This year’s event will be on July 28th at the Cranbrook Institute of Science in Bloomfield Hills, MI. The four speakers for the event are: Eric Cassiano, Todd Gardner, Richard Ross and Dan Underwood. This event is a “must” for anyone interested in captive breeding on any level.

Event details and ticket information can be found here: 

  • Tal Sweet

    Tal got back into the hobby in 2006 after a long break. After hearing Dr. Frank Marini speak at the Midwest Marine Conference in 2008 he was hooked on fish breeding . Since then he has created his own website with his personal captive breeding information and helped create the Marine Breeding Initiative. It is Tal's hope to promote captive breeding as much as possible by speaking and writing about the topic.

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