Have you met Carl? Discosoma Carlgreni

by | Jun 25, 2012 | Corals, Eye Candy | 0 comments

Being a Florida native I have a lot of appreciation for our unique local corals. The corals that come from the Florida Keys and surrounding reefs generally aren’t as popular as their Pacific relatives, but are equally as beautiful. This week I would like to introduce Discosoma carlgreni mushrooms. These are probably one of the most unrecognized mushrooms in the hobby. When I have posted pictures of them online, few people can identify them because they are not readily available to LFS and hobbyists alike.

Like other discosoma mushrooms there are many different color morphs and tentacle patterns within this species. Carlgreni mushrooms are easily overlooked even in their natural habitat because they occur in very silty areas and are often found growing at the base of gorgonians in partial shade. Even though they are from different families, Carlgreni mushrooms share many of the same characteristics and care requirements as Tonga mushrooms (Rhodactis inchoata). They prefer moderate lighting, med – low flow, and don’t need pristine water conditions; making them a suitable candidate as a beginner coral. Unlike other discosoma mushrooms which have a tendency to spread and take over an aquarium, these are a much slower growing variety.

Enjoy the pictures and stay tuned next week for another mysterious mushroom, Discosoma sanctithomae.


  • Morgan Moore

    I'm a native Floridian who has been living in crazy, hot Miami for over 15 years. I live in Coral Gables, my name means protector of the sea or coral depending on the language, so it is just my destiny that I grow coral for a living. I love this planet and I'm always try to be outdoors when I'm not fragging or writing. You can check out my coral babies at: Reefgardener.net

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