First and foremost, Advanced Aquarist thanks Ricardo Pinto of for sharing his blog with us.
Machado de Sousa’s system was started in 2007. Here is a brief summary of his impressive coral farm:
- A 650L (~170g) Maternity Tank where the parent colonies are housed.
- A 450L (~120g) Nursery Tank where new polyps and tiny frags are kept until they are moved to …
- Daycare Tanks (what USA hobbyist would refer to as “grow-out” tanks). Machado de Sousa uses a total of six 780L (~200g each) Daycare Tanks! (see photo to the right)
- A 100L (~25g) aquarium to temporarily house freshly glued frags
- A 200L (~50g) quarantine aquarium used for treatment and observation.
- A 2000L (~500g) sump system consisting of “live rock, DSB, mangrove, skimmers, calcium reactor, degassing calcium reactor, reactors for bio-pellets and zeolites, heaters, etc.”
I was surprised to find this coral farm is a non-commercial project. Machado de Sousa is a civil engineer by day. This is what you call passion and dedication!
Please head over to’s outstanding blog post for a lot more information (including detailed equipment lists) and pictures on this amazing system.
As Richardo Pinto describes it to us: “This is a non-commercial project and it has inspired many reefers in Portugal and Spain.” Correction, my friend: It has inspired many reefers around the world!
Photos of the Portugal Coral Farm
- The Maternity Tank
- The Sump System
Added: Here is a video by Machado de Sousa (primarily of the Maternity Tank).