Tanked is a television program on the Animal Planet Network about the aquarium-building exploits of Wayde King and Brett Raymer, co-owners of Acrylic Tank Manufacturing. Here are some of the tank builds we’ll see in the second season of Tanked:
- A jellyfish tank for a sub-freezing bar at Mandalay Bay
- A working pinball machine tank
- A 650 gallon headboard tank
- A mobile school bus tank
- A giant nail polish bottle/hand dryer fish tank for a manicure salon
- A refrigerator tank with a functional water dispenser
- A tank in the shape of the KISS band logo
- A shark tank for the home of actor and comedian Tracy Morgan along with builds for other celebrities and notable personalities
In other Tanked news: Season 2 has been extended from the originally-announced 10 episodes to 20 episodes. Tanked is moving to Saturday nights (originally aired on Friday nights). Season 2 premieres on April 14, 2012 at 9pm (ET/PT).
The refrigerator tank. Yes, there are fish in there.
Giant shark tank. And yes, there is a giant replica shark head in there.
A huge sit-around cube tank.