Sea & Reef was trying to create a designer Black and White DaVinci Clownfish when they accidentally created this crazy mutation.
Sea & Reef’s newest strain of clownfish is so beautiful; when the company posted about this clown earlier today, I practically fell out of my seat! This is the first time that I have been this excited about a clownfish since the introduction of the Lightning Maroon Clown. This new fish is a mix of Sea & Reef’s MochaVinci Clownfish and a Black Ocellaris Clownfish.
The creation of this new, still-unnamed variety started with a singular unique variation found in a MochaVinci clown. Out of the strain of a DaVinci/Black Ocellaris cross, the breeders found that one offspring stood out from the rest. What set this singular specimen apart from the others? Instead of the swirly pattern commonly associated with both the DaVincis and the MochaVincis, this clown has a much more amplified white pattern, and this jet-black coloration appeared very early in its life.
Sea & Reef initially named this parent the Black DaVinci Clownfish, believing that they had simply somehow skipped a few generations of the MochaVinci Line. But upon further observation and reflection, Sea & Reef realized that they had a potential new strain, and decided to breed this mutation with a Black Ocellaris to produce similar clowns. After a bit of time, they stumbled across something spectacular. This may very well be my new favorite designer clown!
Sea & Reef does not want to use the name “Black DaVinci Clownfish” for this new strain; they wish to save it for a later date and another fish. So that means that these new little guys need a spectacular name that does them justice. Therefore, Sea & Reef will be holding a contest to decide their name.
This new Sea & Reef designer clown is slated for release this Autumn. For your chance at naming this ultimate designer look out for the Facebook naming contest in September here. Or email your suggestions to [email protected].
Rorschach clown
Aidan Brindley
Friesian lol
It looks like a Cow fish
Panda clown.
Matt Stege
Holstein friesian clown fish
Scott Mayne
The Holstein clown
Moo clown
Make a zebra fish
Prison fish
Dalmatian clown
101 clownfish?
Dalmatian Clowns
Derek Rodriguez
Pretty hilarious, I just read that article.
Shouldn’t you be at work? LOL
Yeah forgot to call I can’t come in i forgot I got lab on Saturday at 5 in denton lol I gotta get to Paul to change my Saturdays to off and come in at 12 on sunday
Orca clown
White Diamond~so gorgeous
Francis Tran
Jamie Turner
It looks like a cow clown
How do I get a pair?
Cow clown
Francis Tran
Stephen Dweck Albert Tawil
Skeletor clowns!
Whaaaatttt Jack I. Hazan
What to call them? Mine. Lol.
Panda clown
Alex Traynor
Alex Traynor
Domino clowns
Domino Clown
Definitely the Holstein Clown
Moo-Clow’s 😀
Cowliscious clowns
“Cow”n fish
I like Domino Clown
Moo clownfish
Dairy clownfish