Water pollution is a big concern around the World. However, this very public recent mass fish kill, which occurred in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, has gained national attention. Brazil will be hosting the 2016 Olympic games, and is under particular scrutiny. An investigation has been launched to figure out why scores of fish are dying in the Rodrigo de Freitas lagoon. Last week footage was released of sailors crashing into floating debris and trash in Guanabara Bay. The alleged pollution was so bad it lead to the boat capsizing on one side. I can garner that this is certainly not the image Brazil wants to portray so close to the Olympic games. Olympics or not, this is not a problem that can not be easily ‘cleaned up’. This incident only highlights a greater problem for the Marine World: devastating pollution that continues to accumulate. MORE
Olympic Sized Fish Kill in Rio
by Francis Yupangco | Apr 14, 2015 | Fish, Industry, Science | 0 comments
Francis is a marine biologist with an MBA and over 20 years of professional aquarium experience. Francis is the former Aquatic Development Manager at Hagen USA., makers of Fluval brand aquarium products. He co-stars on Nat Geo WILD's reality TV series Fish Tank Kings where he is the resident "Fish Geek" and was Director of Marketing at Living Color Aquariums. He is an avid explorer having visited over 45 countries and lived in 7. At 17, he was among the youngest aquarists ever hired by the Vancouver Aquarium, where he worked for 7 years. His aquatic biology experience ranges from larval fish rearing to the design, construction and operational management of renowned public aquariums around the world. Francis is currently head of marketing at the world's largest vertically integrated fish farming company.
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