by Afishionado | Dec 2, 2017 | Opinion, Video
Over the last few weeks, I have seen several friends’ tanks crash and fall in nightmarish catastrophes. Motivated by these disasters, and with the hope of preventing this from happening to more reefers out there, I got together with my good friend, Henry... by Marcin Smok | Oct 26, 2017 | Equipment, Industry, Opinion
Frag racks. Almost everyone knows what they are but most of us are not fortunate enough to have a dedicated coral propagation system, and therefore need to deal with their presence in a display... by Felicia McCaulley | Oct 19, 2017 | Eye Candy, Home Decor, Industry, Opinion
House of Fins in Greenwich, CT, just north of NYC, one of the oldest aquarium stores in America, is about to celebrate its 60th anniversary. This store is top notch. Done right. The real deal. It is packed with fish and corals beyond your wildest... by Marcin Smok | Aug 23, 2017 | Equipment, Industry, Opinion, Technology
A brief history: The pump I used to circulate water through my aquariums for about half of my time in the reefing hobby was a German-made centrifugal pump. That pump had an alternating current (AC) motor, an advertised turnover of around 900 gph (3400 lph) and used 85... by Admin | Aug 14, 2017 | Corals, Opinion, Science
I think we all know that the oceans are warming, we might argue about the cause, though I think I’ll side with the vast majority of scientists who show that the rapid warming of recent years is due to greenhouse gas emissions from human activity, despite what some... by Marcin Smok | Aug 10, 2017 | Equipment, Industry, Opinion, Photography, Technology
One thing is for certain – Neptune Systems is on fire this year. First, the Flow Monitoring Kit with its excellent FMM module, then rumors of COR return pumps being in their final testing stage and now, an entirely new product- an automatic top off...