by gmavrakis | Dec 2, 2014 | Fish, Opinion, Science, Tanks
Aquatic Experience in Chicago was a blast this year, 2014! There were lots of exhibitors and many made either this or the second video, but these are all the interviews I did at the show. Doug Poindexter- World Pet Association Julian Sprung- Two Little Fishies Kessil Real Reef Solutions COLLAR Doctor Eco Systems Proaquatix PRODIBIO Blue Life I also talk a little about the Aquatic Experience banquet. This is full coverage elf the event by coralfish12g by gmavrakis | Dec 1, 2014 | Fish, Opinion, Science
This is a quick time-lapse of a beautiful orange plate coral I took footage of at Aquatic Experience in Chicago. It was Midwest Coral Connection’s coral at their booth and was fed with BENOFISHAL fish food. Overall this fungia loved the food and even though the video didn’t come out perfect, it is still pretty cool. by Francis Yupangco | Nov 22, 2014 | Fish, Opinion
[youtube] For today’s ‘stupid news’, this is got to take the cake. I’ve already written about the man who jumped on a whale carcass surrounded by sharks here, That was pretty... by Caitlin Nichole | Nov 17, 2014 | Funny, Opinion
Don’t get too excited, I’m talking about gender here. A few months back I did a post discussing the benefits and detrimental elements of the social media presence within the... by AquaNerd | Nov 10, 2014 | Fish, Opinion, Science
In a world full of designer clownfish, it’s easy to become a little numb to it all. Each company or hobbyist breeder has some wild and tricked out clownfish they offer, with the trends moving toward more polarizing fish with each and every pass. But every once in a while, a totally awesome fish results in all of the mixing and matching, and Sea & Reef Aquaculture have accomplished just that with this Black DaVinici ocellaris clownfish. Like the traditional Darwin Clownfish, a naturally occurring black and white ocellaris clown from Northern Australia, the Black DaVinci sports just the two sharply contrasting colors, but mixes them in with some pretty spectacular patterns by gmavrakis | Nov 10, 2014 | Corals, DIY, Fish, Opinion, Science
FB: The long polyp toadstool is part of the genus Sarcophyton. This is an easy soft coral for any beginner or expert and will grow fast. It is really easy to propagate and is also hardy. Toadstools come in all sorts of shapes but this long polyp is the coolest of them all and will do great in almost and reef aquarium. Enjoy the stunning time-lapse and information!