Black Footed Clownfish in the Wild

Like every underwater photographer I rely on Clownfish to provide me with almost-guaranteed close ups that magazine photo editors will be pleased with. They’re great for dropping into a spread that features wider images featuring wrecks or divers on a...

First Lionfish Cull in the Mediterranean

Various news agencies are reporting the first cull of lionfish in the Mediterranean, five years after the invasive species was first found off the coast of Cyprus. It is believed that a recent widening and deepening of the Suez Canal has made it easier for Lionfish to...

Colorful Arabian Anemones

Last year I was fortunate enough to enjoy a dive trip in the Arabian Sea, off the coast of Oman.  One of the fish I wanted to ‘tick off my list’ was Amphiprion omanensis, the clown that is endemic to the...

Shallow Red Sea Reefs

I came across these images of a pristine reef from the Southern Red Sea recently, which I don’t think I’ve shared before. As you can see the coral is particularly fine. I thought it might be worth looking them over to see why I find shallow coral reefs so very...