by Afishionado | Nov 23, 2018 | Fish, Video
This was an extremely painful experience and lesson for me. I don’t really want to write about it because it’s still so fresh on my mind, but I want people to learn from my mistakes and hopefully it help prevent heartaches for others.… by ReefBum | Nov 21, 2018 | Corals, Equipment, Fish, Reef, Science, Supplements, Tanks, Video
What? Dosing nitrates to get rid of cyano? A common piece of advice when battling Cyanobacteria or cyano is to lower nutrients since cyano can be fueled by high phosphates or nitrates (cyano can also pop up due to elevated organics). So wouldn’t it be counter-intuitive to raise one of these elements? Let’s dig into this a bit. If both nitrates and phosphates are high then one can use Granular Ferric Oxide or GFO to lower phosphates and carbon dosing to lower nitrates. I used to run GFO on my reef tanks and it was certainly easy to use, but there were some downsides. If used too aggressively GFO can shock corals and cause SPS to fade. Another downside with GFO is that it will not by Marcin Smok | Nov 20, 2018 | Equipment, Science, Supplements
Of the many products I received from Fauna Marin to be evaluated, I decided to choose a seemingly boring one, called Multi Reference, to be featured first. The reason behind my pick is this: I see Multi Reference as a uniquely distinct product that can replace several... by Joe Rowlett | Nov 20, 2018 | Science
Jaw-dropping images of the Caribbean's strange marine fauna. by Joe Rowlett | Nov 18, 2018 | Fish
One of the most beautiful perchlets makes its way to an aquarium. by Afishionado | Nov 18, 2018 | Corals, Video
As Charlie Veron is the Godfather of Corals, Julian Sprung is the undisputed godfather of our reefkeeping hobby. This man is single-handedly responsible for many great advancements and innovations, and has spent decades advocating for our hobby.… by Joe Rowlett | Nov 17, 2018 | Corals
From Latin word “aenigma” meaning “mystery”, referring to the observed facultative epizoic relationship and the specimens’ initially surprising phylogenetic position by Tidal Gardens | Nov 17, 2018 | Corals, Video
My list of the Top 5 Corals to Avoid. What are some corals you think people should avoid? #tidalgardens #coral Music: Tracks: “Adjustment” “Essence” “Low Rider” Artist: David Cutter Music ( License Terms: Paid License Video: Camera Gear List on Amazon Canon C200 Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L IS macro Canon EF MP-E 65mm f/2.8 macro Sigma Art 18-35mm f/1.8 Free Fly Movi Pro Stabilizer Kessler Crane Motorized Slider Copyright Information: This video was shot and edited by Tidal Gardens. Tidal Gardens owns all intellectual property rights to this content.