LiveAquaria Professional Reef Salt Mix

LiveAquaria is known far and wide as a top-notch online retailer of fish and coral, supplying healthy, beautiful animals to hobbyists around the world. Part of their success can be attributed to the exclusive salt mix that they formulated to use at the LiveAquaria...

Noise makes it hard for fish to school

Marine aquarists have all experienced it: Reef fishes that naturally school simply refuse to in captivity? Common theories are that the lack of predators or the relatively small size of aquariums discourage schooling. A new study finds that noise plays a big role. Noisy water = less cohesive schooling.

Is This Weird Kole Tang A Hybrid?

The Kole Tang (Ctenochaetus strigosus) is an especially abundant species in the waters of Hawaii and among the most popular surgeonfishes within the aquarium trade. Yet, despite the large number of specimens that are photographed and collected, we seldom see any...

A Look at Royal Exclusiv’s new Eco Red Dragon 5 DC Pump

The Red Dragon Eco 5 is a brand new pump model from Royal Exclusiv that is about to hit the US market in October of this year.  Early birds will receive a discounted pre-order price that is now being accepted by authorized US dealers (keep reading to learn more). Red Dragon Eco 5 Overview – The Eco 5 has a maximum flow rate of 1057 GPH (4000 LPH) while only consuming 25 watts of power.  At slower speeds the pump will consume even less wattage and Royal Exclusiv has provided flow curves using 25 watts, 15 watts and 10 watts of power as seen by clicking the graphs below.  Like all of the saltwater Red Dragon pumps, the Eco 5 features titanium screws that will not easily corrode in saltwater.  The pump can be used