Fauna Marin Coral Sprint, A Revolutionary Feeding Technology

Fauna Marin has developed a new food for corals called Coral Sprint. Fauna Marin has described it as, “a revolutionary progression in feeding technology” so we have decided to give it a try in one of our coral farm tanks starting next week. Coral Sprint is a highly nutritious powdered food that can be used to feed SPS, LPS, and Azoox coral. It contains a collection of beneficial nutrients and proteins which until now, was only found in nature. Coral Sprint is the first product to utilize volatile proteins, bacterial cells, and special nutrients as a food source. This selection of proteins and fats are commonly available in nature, but not in enclosed aquariums.  Admittedly, I wasn’t exactly sure what volatile proteins were when I first read

Video Highlights From The Okeanos Explorer

Everyone’s favorite marine research vessel, NOAA’s Okeanos Explorer, is currently out at the Musicians Seamounts—a little-known and largely unexplored group of extinct underwater volcanoes which lie just to the north of Hawaii—and they’ll be livestreaming their...

MACNA 2017: Ecotech Vectra S1

Just in time for MACNA 2017 in New Orleans, Ecotech Marine presented their newest addition to the Ecosmart Live connected devices, the Vectra S1 return pump. S1 finally fills the gap left by its larger counterparts, the M1 and L1 pumps- with a footprint of only 3.5in...

New Study: Polypless Frags Grow Faster

A new study is helping to shed light on the variables that influence growth rates in one of the aquarium trade’s most popular stony corals, Duncanopsammia axifuga (AKA Duncan’s Coral). Frags of this coral are always in high demand, making this an especially profitable...