Tridacnids, a Gallery from the Red Sea

Whenever I’m on a dive trip, be it a commission or a even just a holiday, I always look out for interesting clams and shoot as many of them as possible. Sneaking up on clams in the wild is not easy, they are tremendously sensitive and will invariably retract...

Pseudanthias squamipinnis – wild shots

When reviewing my image archive, very much with: “I wish I was diving right now” running through my head – especially as the Scottish autumn turns into another soggy Scottish winter, it is shots like these that really make me want to warm up my...

Shooting Chromis viridis part 2

In yesterday’s post I showed some coral heads full of mainly juvenile Chromis viridis, and I mentioned how hard they were to shoot.  In this series of images I was lucky enough to have a macro lens fitted to my camera and I was able to observe some interesting...

Shooting Chromis viridis part 1

Chromis viridis are widely available in the aquarium industry and commonly kept in home aquaria.  Often, aquarists buy several very young specimens in the hope they will form a shoal.  In my experience this doesn’t really happen and sadly, as the group dynamics...