by Admin | Oct 22, 2020 | Photography
Diving and taking underwater images off the UK coast is not always easy; our relative exposure to storms from the west and east make much of our coastline a little rough to say the least. In most cases shipwrecks are severely broken up and hard to identify, yet they... by Admin | Oct 21, 2020 | Photography
I’ve shared quite a few images of shipwrecks lately. As an underwater photographer I am fascinated by these lumps of rusting metal, and the way that marine life finds and slowly colonizes them, creating incredible biodiversity... by Admin | Oct 20, 2020 | Cephalopods, Photography
I love the chance to photograph octopuses. In my last post I showed some images taken in the Mediterranean, featuring the Common Octpopus (Octopus vulgaris). I realize, to my shame, I am not entirely sure which species I’m looking at in this series of images,... by Admin | Oct 17, 2020 | Invertebrates, Photography
I recently watched the Netflix documentary ‘My Octopus Teacher’. What an amazing piece of story telling, with some really lovely imagery. Sadly, I haven’t ever befriended an octopus, but I have encountered them all over the world, albeit... by Admin | Oct 15, 2020 | Fish, Photography, Reef
Full of character and often feisty, damsels are oftentimes best left in the wild. Here’s a selection from my favorite location. Back when I first started keeping fish, every store seemed to have a tank of cheap juvenile damsels – humbugs, dominoes,... by Admin | Oct 13, 2020 | Photography
I’ve been thinking about shipwrecks of late, after my post about an ancient wreck in Greece. I thought you might like to see these images by way of a comparison. This is Il Motore ‘the engine’ from...