by Todd Gardner | Aug 2, 2023 | Photography
Eleven years ago, an underwater photographer was born. His name was Finn Gardner. Two weeks ago, he captured these images on his first nitrox dive, with his new GoPro. These were all taken on the wreck of the Caribsea, a freighter that was sunk by a German torpedo in... by Admin | Jul 17, 2023 | Fish, Photography
I recently posted some images of juvenile members of the species, or at least I think they are. With these images I’m far less unsure; if anyone thinks I’m wrong, then please know that I’m happy to be set... by Admin | Jun 12, 2023 | Photography
As an underwater photographer and general fan of quirkiness in the fish world, I really enjoy finding the oddities. There’s also a real thrill in finding the weird fish, that have evolved quite interesting and often elaborate camouflage to go along with their... by Admin | May 15, 2023 | Photography
In my last few posts I’ve discussed how I try to photograph a cross-section of the reef life I come across, from vistas of coral in well-lit waters to shoals of whatever night be swimming... by Afishionado | Dec 16, 2022 | Photography, Video
Everyone wants to take better pictures and videos of their tanks, right? My friend Peter Dihn of Bay Area Reef on youtube started an amazing, intuituve and educational series on how to do just... by xeniaforever | Oct 29, 2022 | Photography
From the creators of the Academy Award-winning documentary My Octopus Teacher, an immersive journey into the underwater world that inspired it—and holds transformative lessons for us all Craig Foster and Ross Frylinck regularly dive together in the awe-inspiring kelp...