by Caitlin Nichole | Mar 21, 2022 | Invertebrates, Photography
No, this isn’t an Idiot’s Guide to the Coward. In her new book, ‘Spineless: Portraits of Marine Invertebrates, The Backbone of Life’, San Francisco based photographer Susan Middleton captures more than 250 photographs of the fragile critters... by Marcin Smok | Feb 7, 2022 | Conservation, Corals, Eye Candy, Photography
Every reefkeeper’s desire is to someday see the corals that we love and care for at home out in their natural environment. Sometimes, these ecosystems are drastically different from the conditions we recreate in our home aquariums.… by xeniaforever | Jan 18, 2022 | Fish, Photography
I just found the cutest facebook group ever: Blenny. It’s purely people posting pictures of blennies that they’ve seen; no drama, no selling, just blennies! Check it out, and maybe join and upload a few pictures... by Marc Levenson | Nov 26, 2021 | Photography, Reef
The reef didn’t need any work today. I fed the fish and took more macro pictures with the Nikon using a 105mm lens. by Admin | Nov 19, 2021 | Fish, Photography
Even though I don’t get enormously excited by encounters with Moray Eels, I seem to have an awful lot of images of them, so here’s a few more species from around the world. The fish below (and main image) is the Mediterranean Moray (Muraena... by Admin | Nov 14, 2021 | Photography, Reef
In an earlier post I mentioned that divers have a fascination with morays, seemingly getting very excited what we encounter a particularly large one. Personally, as I stated earlier, I’m not always hugely impressed with morays of the ‘look at the size of...