by Admin | Oct 17, 2021 | Photography
For a long, long time I really disliked having people in my images. I wanted to keep my images free of my fellow human, full of fish and coral, with nothing in the way of lumbering neoprene-clad... by Admin | Oct 15, 2021 | Photography, Reef
In an earlier post I looked at how I have finally accepted the inclusion of people in my images and how I sometimes encourage subjects to use torches (Dive lights for US readers). In this post I’m sharing images that I think were helped by some underwater... by Admin | Oct 8, 2021 | Photography
Divers communicate with hand signals, most of us have a vocabulary (if you can call it that), of around twenty words that we use to ask basic questions of our buddy and to then answer back. It’s all fairly straightforward and dull most of the time, yet in one... by Admin | Oct 7, 2021 | Fish, Photography
 In my last post I discussed the need to capture images of the often overlooked fish on the reef and how, in doing so, I could capture a few pleasing fish portraits. Well, in this post I want to look at the other side of the same coin, by trying to capture a wider... by Admin | Oct 6, 2021 | Fish, Photography
I’ve often been grateful to those fish that many divers pass by as they look for something larger and more exciting. Divers sometimes do have a ‘fisherman’s’ mind-set – they are seemingly competing with each other to see the largest... by Admin | Oct 4, 2021 | Fish, Photography, Science
Amphiprion bicinctus is not a common fish in the trade, but for visitors to the Red Sea, it’s a common sight. I’ve had a great fondness for clownfish since I first saw one on an old nature documentary in the 1970s, so when I first saw one in the wild I was utterly...