Missing the small stuff

It has been over a year since I’ve been in the water.  People keep asking me what I miss the most.  The answer to this seems to vary with my mood.  Sometimes I really miss just hanging in the blue watching the life of a reef unfold below me, other times I miss...

The lighthouse with its own Railway

Travelling around the Red Sea isn’t always enjoyable.  Strong winds and boats that rarely exceed thirty meters long can combine to make stomach-churning conditions.  For folks like me, who occasionally get sea sick, there are few sights better than one of the...

When sweepers actually help an image

In my last post I talked about Sweepers, the small fish of the genus Parapriacanthus that seem to have a burning desire to get between me and my subject en masse, with little I can do to persuade them to leave me...

The fish that get in the way

Mostly I like fish, and I imagine most folks reading this have a fondness for them too!  Sometimes though, in some circumstances, fish can just get in the way of a good photo. The image above was taken towards the end of a dive in the Maldives; we knew roughly where...

The Remarkable Napoleon Wrasse

Every once in a while I gather together my images of this impressive fish and share them with you, for the very simplest of reasons.  Just look at it! Is it not an amazing animal? Napoleon Wrasses are one of the largest bony fish, and the largest wrasse of course, and...