Monday Archives: A Spectacular Caribbean Wreck

I was reviewing some images the other day from a trip to the Caribbean… Grenada to be exact, and thought I’d share some of them once more.  This set of pictures shows a particularly attractive shipwreck I dived just off the...

Missing the small stuff

It has been over a year since I’ve been in the water.  People keep asking me what I miss the most.  The answer to this seems to vary with my mood.  Sometimes I really miss just hanging in the blue watching the life of a reef unfold below me, other times I miss...

The lighthouse with its own Railway

Travelling around the Red Sea isn’t always enjoyable.  Strong winds and boats that rarely exceed thirty meters long can combine to make stomach-churning conditions.  For folks like me, who occasionally get sea sick, there are few sights better than one of the...

When sweepers actually help an image

In my last post I talked about Sweepers, the small fish of the genus Parapriacanthus that seem to have a burning desire to get between me and my subject en masse, with little I can do to persuade them to leave me...